
What Does It Mean If My Breathing Stops When I Sleep?

Perhaps you’ve woken to find yourself short of breath or feeling as though your airway is blocked. Maybe your partner has witnessed your breathing stop temporarily while you’re asleep. No matter how you’ve discovered this phenomenon, it’s important to recognize that it is a serious health concern, and you are not alone.

Why You Should Be Concerned About Obstructive Sleep Apnea

As one of several symptoms of sleep apnea, cessation of breathing poses a major health risk, because it can cut off the supply of oxygen to your brain. Often times, this temporary lack of airflow is caused by the relaxation of muscles in your throat, which naturally narrows your airway. However, people suffering from sleep apnea experience an even more dramatically narrowed airway as a result of biological conditions and health choices.

Affecting millions of people across the US, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is responsible for this airway blockage. In most cases, your body’s natural response to the lack of airflow is to jerk you awake, however, in extreme instances, you may not be fully roused, leading to permanent brain damage and even death.

How Do I Know If I Have OSA?

If you are male, overweight, diabetic or middle-aged or older, you are at a greater risk for obstructive sleep apnea. While other factors may play a role in your periodic cessation of breathing, it is critical that you seek help immediately to ensure you are sleeping safely.

To receive more information about OSA and its health effects, contact My CPAP Club today. One of our knowledgeable and friendly sleep experts will provide you with the information you need to sleep safely and soundly. If you have serious concerns about your health, make sure to speak with your primary care physician.

Battling Sleep Apnea While Pregnant

Getting a full night of sleep when you’re pregnant can be difficult –– especially if your baby is active in the evening. One of the problems that can contribute to your lack of sleep is a condition called obstructive sleep apnea. While many people think it only affects men, women can struggle with it as well. It can be detrimental to productive sleep patterns on its own, but when paired with pregnancy, several new health risks can come into play.

Sleep apnea during pregnancy can cause:

  • Preeclampsia. This refers to a potentially deadly condition in pregnant women that causes their blood pressure to spike. The only cure is to deliver your baby. Delivery may be delayed if you are not close to term.
  • Higher likelihood of cesarean section. Also known as a C-section, this method of birth occurs through a surgical procedure. It may be necessary if your labor has slowed or stopped, the baby is distressed or if the infant is too large to be delivered vaginally.
  • Increased daytime fatigue. Usually the result of insomnia or another sleep problem, daytime fatigue can lead to you missing work, making poor decisions, obesity, diabetes, depression and substance abuse.

Sleep apnea in women can be commonly misdiagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia or even depression.

Treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea with My CPAP Club

Being pregnant can slightly elevate your risk of obstructive sleep apnea, so it’s important that you recognize common signs and symptoms. Those include snoring, lapses in breathing while asleep, gasping when sleeping and fatigue that persists throughout the day.

Thankfully, you don’t have to struggle with sleep apnea. The courteous and understanding professionals at My CPAP Club have several remedies available for people who are suffering from various sleep disorders. Best of all, our customized solutions are available to ship anywhere in the United States –– meaning the care that we recommend has virtually no bounds. To learn more about how My CPAP Club can help you in your fight against sleep apnea, contact us online through our customer inquiry form.